Assessment for Registration in Australia

Internationally-qualified occupational therapists wanting to practise in Australia are required to undertake an assessment in compliance with the OTC requirements. This assessment comprises:

Stage 1 — Desktop assessment
Stage 2 — Supervised practice audit

The Step by step process for internationally qualified practitioners will clarify what documents need to be completed, where they need to be sent and when they need to be sent.  The “forms” section of this website provides explanatory notes for the Stage 1 and Stage 2 process, guidelines for the Stage 2 process together with an example of the documentation required.

On completion of the Stage 1 desktop assessment, occupational therapists will be advised in writing of the suitability of qualifications for the purpose of applying for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) A certified copy of this assessment letter should be provided with your application for registration.

    Stage 1 — Desktop assessment

    The Stage 1 desktop assessment can take up to four weeks from the date the OTC receives a completed application.

    The cost for the Stage 1 desktop assessment for an internationally-qualified practitioner is A$1500.00.

    Please refer to the Schedule of fees for details.

    The Visa-payment-form should accompany your application.

    Before submitting the Stage 2 application, internationally-qualified practitioners must have completed the online Level 1 and Level 2 cultural responsiveness and awareness training developed by Indigenous Allied Health Australia Ltd (IAHA).

    2024 Cultural responsiveness and awareness training for internationally qualified practitioners (Stage 2)

      Stage 2 — Supervised practice audit

      Upon successful completion of the Stage 1 assessment, occupational therapists will need to undertake the Stage 2 supervised practice audit.

      Prior to commencing the Stage 2 period of supervised practice, occupational therapists need to complete the Supervised Practice Plan form  SPPA-00 located on the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) website .

      Application for limited registration from AHPRA should be made at the same time.

      Upon being granted limited registration, the occupational therapist needs to forward the OTC Stage 2 application to the OTC within two weeks of commencing in a position.

      Please refer to the schedule of fees and visa payment form above for the cost and payment details.