Assessment for skilled migration in Australia
Occupational therapists wanting to apply for skilled migration in the category of:
ANZSCO 252411 – Occupational Therapy
are required to undertake an assessment in compliance with the OTC requirements.
The Stage 1 desktop assessment is for both Australian qualified practitioners and internationally qualified practitioners. Australian-trained practitioners with a qualification suitable for registration purposes do not need to do the Stage 2 period of supervised practice or the cultural training.
The Stage 1 — Desktop assessment – explanatory notes relating to this process, together with the application form can be found in the “Forms – Stage 1” section of our website.
On completion of the Stage 1 desktop assessment, the occupational therapist will be advised in writing of the suitability of qualifications for the purpose of applying for skilled migration. A certified copy of this assessment letter should be provided with your application for migration purposes to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).
The Stage 1 desktop assessment can take up to four weeks from the date the OTC receives a completed application.
The cost for the Stage 1 desktop assessment for Australian qualified practitioners is A$1200.00.
Please see the Schedule of fees and Visa payment form.